Implant Restoration in Belmont & South San Francisco, CA

Do you have missing teeth and are self-conscious of your smile? Do you know that missing teeth can cause your bite to go out of whack and alter your face shape? But, Dental implants can help you replace lost teeth and regain your smile. Dentists may strongly recommend dental implants in the United States. It is the best option for getting back to normal and gaining that big, wonderful smile.

What Is Dental Implant?

Dental implants are artificial tooth root implants that are composed primarily of titanium. There is a range of implant systems to choose from, and when applied effectively, they all provide a highly consistent form of treatment. The main objective of any implant placement is to make quick, direct contact with the surrounding bone. 

Increased bone growth on the surface of the implant improves the implant's stability over time. Dental implants often include an internal screw threading or post space that provides a range of components to attach to support replacement teeth. These components, once implanted, act as a base for the long-term retention of crowns, bridges, and dentures.

What Are The Advantages Of Dental Implants?

Attractive look - Dental implants have the feel and look of natural teeth. They are also permanent since they intend to bond with bones.

Better communication - The teeth of ill-fitting dentures may slip around in the mouth, leading you to slur or mumble your speech. Dental implants help you to talk without fear of your teeth dropping out of place.

Ease of use - Implants remove the pain of removable dentures since they become a part of you.

Easy to eat - Eating can be problematic with slipping dentures. Dental implants perform the same way as natural teeth do. It allows you to chew your favorite foods with confidence and without any pain.

How Long Does The Surgery Take Place?

Implant surgery may take as little as three months or as much as nine months. It is split across several appointments to make the treatment as painless as possible for the patient. Before the treatment completes, your dentist may recommend that you should consult several dental experts, ranging from a periodontist to an oral surgeon. 

There are five procedures involved in implant surgery. It includes diagnosis (to check if your jawbones are good enough for the implant), implant placement, Osseointegration (a 2 - 6 months process of combing bones), abutment placement (used to attach the implant to the missing teeth), and tooth implantation.

How Successful Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants have a success record of up to 98 percent since they are robust and intended to last for a lifetime. However, the success rate of dental implants varies based on the materials selected, surgeon expertise, implant meet requirements, and care. Implants done by surgeons with vast knowledge and made out of high materials, on the other hand, will last a lifetime. As a result, a dental implant is one of the safest and most reliable dental treatments available.

You can schedule a consultation by calling at (650) 551-1601 for an appointment with our Dentist in Belmont, CA, or (650) 873-9398 for our Dentist in South San Francisco, CA. Online booking is also available.


1601 El Camino Real #305, Belmont, CA 94002

MON: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE: Closed

WED - FRI: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

SUN: Closed

2400 Westborough blvd, Ste 107, South San Francisco, CA 94080

MON: Closed

TUE - FRI: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

SUN: Closed